Notre engagement pour sauver des enfants

Our commitment to saving children

At ELEMENT .vet we have heart!

Our musher Valérie Maumon ran and won the Lekkarod (in 6 Nordic dogs) for the benefit of the Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque association. Thanks to this big-hearted race, volunteers, Vétos du cœur and partners: VétoAdom, Antagene, KPMG, Royal Canin, a child will be saved!

Have a heart so that they have one!

Involved in the veterinary world via my Ele laboratory , I was delighted to participate in this project and to allow a child from a disadvantaged country to undergo life-saving surgery. A drop of water certainly, but the Lekkarod wants to put itself at the service of great and noble causes. I met children when I went to Paris at the beginning of March at the headquarters of the association and I was overwhelmed by these little bits.

Here is a video of an interview on the race with Sophie Kirchner "Les vétos du cœur". Thank you all for your involvement and your donations!

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