When we adopt or give birth to an animal, we all want to give it the best care it deserves. Growth is such an important period for the evolution of your companion: structural, psychomotor, emotional and affective development. Your animal must be educated and familiar with the world around it. ELEMENT VET has formulated a range of natural food supplements, a growth cure and care products especially for our young toufou!
The Growth Pack contains:
Krill Oil: neuro protective effects. Studies have shown an improvement in neurodevelopment in puppies (eg cognitive learning capacity).
Antioxidant power, Krill oil contains astaxanthin, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. It contributes to the defense of the organism.
Ovo Articulation: supports growth and protects the body of active adults. Thanks to its richness in collagen (type I, V, X), the egg membrane contributes to the construction of various articular and cutaneous structures throughout the growth of the animal.
Vermiflora: intended to repel and prevent the development of internal parasites by modifying your animal's intestinal flora. The Lactobacillus LB probiotic and plants will promote good intestinal hygiene and protect the digestive system.