Un logo tout beau tout neuf tout GREEN !

A brand new brand new all GREEN logo!

Discover our new logo and natural colors!

The new ELEMENTVET logo displays our values: a fir green 🌲 softer, a more modern tree of life symbol of the brand, more dynamic but above all rooted.
Veterinary identity also appears stronger, let's not forget that veterinarians 👩 🧑 👩 🧑 ⚕ prescribe our range of food supplements!
Finally, the choice of colors borrowed from nature, identifying the skincare ranges in ocher, green, taupe also affirms the completely green positioning 🌿 of the brand.
Valerie Maumon explains why she chose a tree: "When the company was created, I had in mind to associate the brand with a tree, an oak 🌳 with its big roots in the ground! I have always been fascinated by these trees and I very often felt a sense of well-being when I sat against an oak tree. The association: tree - roots - Earth - life was obvious to me. I really enjoyed working with Eric Leprince, Super regular, who speaks the same language, who has the same sensitivity for nature and the mountains that surround us.

The harmony between the colours, the design, the eco-pack and our products is perfect! The little pots will come out in the month, it is a great pleasure and a joy to see this project come to fruition".

So, do you like our new logo? #superregular

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