Let's discover today a new canine sports activity: agility.
agility is a sport in its own right where handler and dog evolve in complete complicity on elaborate obstacle courses, thought out according to rules established by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), adapted to the specificities of each country.
Agility in France is about 8,000 licensees, 500 competitions per year, regional and national championships individually or in teams, and a French team which represents the country at the world championship.
Agility is moving differently with your dog.
An accomplice game where master and dog are associated to reach the end of the course with a minimum of penalties in a time defined by the judge. Using only his voice and gestures, without leash or collar.
Playful discipline par excellence whose basis remains an education of the master and the dog. Agility is open to all without age limit. Agility is a game of skill that combines education, complicity, speed with, like all sports games, a few rules.
For our four-legged friends, from the smallest to the largest. They are divided into categories according to their height at the withers. Four in number:
Category A: less than 37cm
Category B: from 37cm to less than 47cm
Category C: 47cm and over
Category D: large dogs, molossers.

Care always and again...Just like you put on your sports shoes, you have to prepare the dog's pads, protect them and care for them in case of injury. Prefer grassy ground. Warm it up, hydrate it, relax it and massage it after exercise. And yes you are not the only athlete in the pair far from it. In certain disciplines such as mushing, dogs come before humans, all the attention is focused on them! Fortunately, the natural solutions designed by ELEMENT.vet exist to bring all the necessary well-being to your champion and you can even steal his massage gel!

Well done, it's D-Day! Reassure your animal, too many human athletes who are intoxicated and excited by the stress of competition transfer their nervousness to the dog! Cool on the contrary, reassure him he will have to run among other dogs, overtake and concentrate. Encourage him he will surpass himself! Create this unique bond with him, feel this common motivation that will make your duo become successful. The competition is not for you? why deprive yourself of running in leisure with Monsieur Toutou? Enjoy and savor these moments of sharing at the bend of a river and a beautiful meadow.
This sport requires physical preparation for the dog, the course is timed, the supports are violent on the jumps and the half turns. These activities take place in the summer, the temperatures are high and the recovery of the dog must be particularly monitored.
This week takes place the European Open FCI of Agility 2019
(July 26, 2019 – July 28, 2019) at Sportcentre Papendal (Netherlands).
Like canicross, agility is a sport but it's also a wonderful way to share sensations and pleasure with your furry friend!
So don't hesitate any longer 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 GO and don't forget he's always and again the Champion!!
ELEMENT.vet Go Go!