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    First aid kit

    $58.00 CAD

    Traveling safely with your pet

    First aid kit to carry in your backpack or keep in your car. Ideal for spending peaceful family holidays. Our very complete kit was put together on the advice of veterinarians organizing first aid training.

    Go serenely on vacation

    All in one and at your fingertips!

    Essential for animal safety

    Fabriqué en France
    Ingrédients naturels
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    First aid kit

    L'Élémenthérapie au service de nos animaux


    The first aid kitVET ELEMENTwill follow you on all your outings with your companion: hiking, on vacation, dog training, traveling, as a rescue in your car.
    Go safely!Essential for treating everyday accidents.

    Our dog first aid kit contains:

    • 2 pairs of disposable vinyl gloves and trash bags
    • 2 pods of hydroalcoholic gel 3 ml
    • 2 single doses of doseseptin
    • Compressive 10×12 cm
    • 2 sterile compress packs
    • 20×20 cm gauze
    • Coheban compression band 5×4.5 cm
    • Crepe strips 3×7 and 3×10 cm
    • 5 pods of physiological serum
    • Fabric plaster
    • disposable razor
    • scissors
    • 10 ml syringe
    • cotton tie
    • metal splinter forceps
    • blanket
    • digital thermometer
    • tick tweezers, 2 models
    • pad repair balm50ml
    • comfort ankle boot individually

    Conseils de pro

    When you go for a walk with your dog for a short hike, or for vacation, the first aid kit is essential, just like a bowl and water. With our veterinary advice, we have selected utensils to treat common injuries and to be able to best transport a dog who has suffered a more serious accident. We wanted to add our repairing balm as well as a boot in case of a cut.

    Valérie Maumon

    Do you want to train in first aid? Visit our training partner’s websiteAlforme

    Conseils d'utilisation

    The first aid kitVET ELEMENTwill follow you on all your outings with your companion: hiking, on vacation, dog training, traveling, as a rescue in your car.Go safely!Essential for treating everyday accidents.

    Indications selon l’animal

    For all types of animals, our very complete kit has been put together on the advice of veterinarians organizing first aid training.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review

    La trousse de premier secours est LE truc à avoir dans son coffre ou son sac à dos quand on part avec son chien. Que ce soit pour une longue rando ou en vacances, je suis rassurée d'avoir la trousse avec nous, car on y trouve TOUT ce dont on peut avoir besoin en cas d'accident léger et comme ça arrive plus souvent qu'on imagine, c'est un vrai incontournable. Le tire-tiques et le serum physiologique m'ont sauvée à plusieurs reprises. Je peux improviser un bandage, couper les poils pour mieux voir un bobo et même les raser si besoin. Je l'ai prise évidemment avec le baume réparateur, mon indispensable de chez ELEMENT VET.