
OVO ou Articulation Renforcée, quelle cure choisir ?
Les chiens qu'ils soient athlètes de compétition ou simples compagnons actifs, subissent de nombreuses contraintes physiques qui peuvent affecter la...

On découvre l'Agility !
Aujourd’hui, l’agility en France est une discipline reconnue, attirant des participants de tous âges et de toutes races de chiens....

Are you going on vacation with your dog?
Every year it's the same dilemma for some: take Storm or choose a destination alone and entrust their animal to...

Birds of a feather flock together !
According to his study, the choice of a dog is unconsciously linked to the personality of the master. It is...

What is the friendliest city for our dogs?
The magazine 30 Millions d'Amis has just revealed a list of winners in a survey published in its May issue,...