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    $20.00 USD

    Protects the digestive system from intestinal parasites

    ELEMENT Vermiflore is a natural complementary food intended to cleanse the intestinal system in order to prevent the development of internal parasites by modifying the intestinal flora of your animal.

    The probiotic Lactobacillus LB and plants will promote good intestinal hygiene and protect the
    digestive system of intestinal worms.

    Rebalances the intestinal flora

    Promotes good intestinal hygiene

    Protects the digestive system

    Fabriqué en France
    Ingrédients naturels
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    L'Élémenthérapie au service de nos animaux


    ELEMENT Vermiflorais a natural complementary food intended to cleanse the intestinal system.

    Lacto-bacillus and plantswill promote good intestinal hygiene and protect the digestive system.

    We advise you to carry out stool analyzes regularly and of course to continue to deworm your animal on the advice of your veterinarian.

    Available in a box of 60 palatable tablets, liver flavored, split into 4, eco-responsible packaging. Made in France, French Alps.

    Veterinary use Dogs and Cats

    Conseils de pro

    I use Vermiflore on my young dogs who must be dewormed every month, the dogs have a well-balanced and healthy flora which slows down the development of parasites.

    Deworming your pet is a priority for everyone’s good health.

    Valérie Maumon

    Conseils d'utilisation

    Cure for 7 consecutive days, then 21 days of break, then cure for 7 consecutive days.
    Ask your veterinarian for advice.

    Indications selon l’animal

    Cat-dog <5 kg: 1/2 tablet per day

    Dog 10-20kg: 1 tablet per day

    Dog >20 kg: 2 tablets per day

    Treatment 4 times/year: 7 consecutive days then 21 day break and treatment 7 consecutive days.

    Une formule naturelle

    Nos ingrédients

    Lactobacillus acidofilus LB

    Bénéfique sur l’écologie des bactéries intestinales qui jouent un rôle important dans le métabolisme. Par exemple, elles sécrètent des enzymes qui facilitent l’absorption des nutriments.

    Cannelle de Ceylan

    La Cannelle est un bon garde du corps !

    Terre de diatomée

    La terre de diatomée, appelée aussi terre d'infusoires.

    Graine de courge

    La graine de courge est un super aliment car elle est riche en protéines. Elle contient beaucoup de micronutriments comme le magnésium, le zinc, le cuivre et le potassium qui agissent directement sur la déminéralisation.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 1 review
    Très satisfaite

    J’utilise le complément digestion et vermiflore. Mon Loulou est assez sensible des intestins et ses deux complément ont eu d’excellents résultats.