En Belgique, à l’hôpital de Mons, nos animaux de compagnie sont les bienvenus !

In Belgium, at the Mons hospital, our pets are welcome!

Patients at the Ambroise Paré University Hospital in Mons (Belgium) will soon be able to receive visits from their pets.

This is a great first for the CHU Ambroise Paré in Mons (Belgium). Hospitalized patients will now be able to receive visits from their pets , according to the DH.be website.

This initiative would thus make it possible to better live a hospitalization or a stay in a nursing home. However, these patient-animal encounters must take place in suitable premises and with specific supervision.

Monday, October 8, 2018, the CHU explained what were the three main axes of this program. First, the reception of service animals, previously forced to stay outside the establishment. A guide dog for the blind, for example, will now be able to accompany its master if the latter is going to visit a loved one or has to go to a consultation.

Visiting animals for therapeutic purposes

The second axis aims at the regular or occasional organization of therapeutic activities, in collaboration with MABEA. This Belgian association offers animal-assisted activities (dog and horse) throughout the year “with a view to improving the quality of life and well-being of all. »

Animal mediation is a non-drug treatment that has proven itself as the benefits are numerous. They can be physical in the context of rehabilitation, cognitive or even social, ”insists Lauriane Carlie, president of the association, interviewed by DH.be.

On September 13, the Mons hospital and the association organized an intergenerational activity with so-called “therapeutic” animals. This event was crowned with success, according to the CHU.

Finally, a patient hospitalized for a long period will have the possibility of receiving a visit from his pet. Provided that the patient faces the request beforehand and that his doctor gives his agreement. For hygienic reasons, this visit will not take place in the patient's room but in a reception area. This specific place must be fitted out and will be open by the end of 2018.

Imagine the happiness of having your animals with you!! I hope that this progress will also make its way here, where more and more centers are receiving animals and are beginning to understand the benefits for the condition of patients.

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